Shipping from Türkiye to North Europe? An EIS is coming upShipping from Türkiye to North Europe? An EIS is coming upAn Equipment Imbalance Surcharge (EIS) is coming up. The EIS will apply to all dr...
Shipping from Indian Subcontinent & Middle East to the USA? A GRI & GRA is coming upA General Rate Increase (GRI) and General Rate Adjustment (GRA) from Indian Subcontinent and Middle East to the U...
Maersk introduces a new digital solution simplifying Air Freight booking experience for its customers12 February 2024Maersk Air Freight solutions can now be easily booked on for 70,000 a...
Here's a live ticker on the Red Sea situation(last updated on February 19, 2024, 2.00 p.m. CET)This live ticker will assist your cargo planning during the dynamic situation in the Red Sea. Accordin...
Let's meet at Breakbulk Americas in Houston, TX!Join us at the largest breakbulk event in the Americas: this is Breakbulk Americas 2023, and we can't wait to meet you there!The location is Houston,...
CMA CGM to resume Iskenderun calls on its NC LEVANT EXPRESS service connecting North Europe with East Med/Levant areaWe have the pleasure to inform our customers that we are resuming our direct cal...
Fumigation requirements to New ZealandThursday, August 24, 2023CMA CGM informs its customers that in response to the rapid expansion of brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) throughout Europe and North...
PCS in Mersin, Turkey from & to the Mediterranean, Adriatic, North Africa & Black SeaTuesday, August 29, 2023We inform our customers that considering the operational situation in Mersin, Turkey, CM...
Shipping between North Europe, North and Latin America? Here's the new port coverage for our CES service!If you are shipping with our Caribbean Express Service (CES), here's an update. Starting Sep...
Shipping with our IG1 service? Here's a rotation updateIf you are shipping between India and ports in the Arabian Gulf, here's the latest update for your cargo planning. Our India Gulf Service 1 (I...
Shipping between the Indian Subcontinent and Mediterranean? Here’s a schedule updateIf you are shipping between the Indian Subcontinent and the Mediterranean with our Gulf East Med (GEM) service, h...
Shipping from Asia* to Latin America? A GRI is coming upA General Rate Increase (GRI) from Asia* to Latin America for cargo transported in 20’ and 40’ Dry containers, including High Cube equipment ...
Shipping between North Europe and Canada? Here's an update for our AT1 serviceIf you're shipping between North Europe and Canada, here's an update that might impact your cargo planning.Our St. Lawr...
CMA CGM introduces the new setup of its FEMEX service connecting North Europe with Greece, Marmara & Izmir Turkish regionsCMA CGM is pleased to announce the new FEMEX set up with the addition of Th...
CMA CGM to reshuffle SHAKA 2 service rotation connecting Asia with South AfricaStriving to improve the coverage in our Asia to South Africa service, CMA CGM will proceed to an update of SHAKA 2 rot...
CMA CGM to launch AMERICAS XL, a new service between US East Coast and West Coast South AmericaEffective December 2022, CMA CGM is pleased to announce the launch of its new AMERICAS XL service, off...
MSC 地中海航运·瑞士 马士基·丹麦 达飞轮船·法国 中远海·中国
近日,4000多辆吉利领克、雷诺等汽车陆续运至宁波梅山滚装码头并将发往海外。据海关统计,今年以来宁波口岸累计出口汽车已超10万辆,同比增长1.72倍,货值78亿元人民币,同比增长3.13倍。 为保障汽车出口整体畅通高效,宁波海关结合实际情况,深入调研相关企业需求,持续推广多项畅通物流链条的举措。“为了助力汽车高效通关,我们实行‘随到随检’‘船边查验’‘7×24’小时查验等措施,开辟专用汽车...